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Permanent Eyebrow Makeup

 Tattooing Pre-care and Post-care


Day 1:

Eyebrows look amazing immediately after microblading appointment. Pigment gradually gets darker throughout the day


Week 1: 

Pigment reaches darkest level on day two. Light flaking develops where microblading strokes occurred


Week 2:

Scabbing from microblading strokes begin to peel and flake off, sometime revealing no definite, visible color in skin.


Week 3-4: 

Pigment in skin continues to oxidize and microblade strokes begin to reappear in color intended from the beginning, but some strokes may come back looking patchy.


Week 6-8:

Eyebrows fully healed and ready to undergo the finishing effects of touch-up appointment

Brow Tattooing Pre-Care

Since delicate skin or sensitive areas may be swollen or red, you are advised not to make social plans on the day of your enhancement.

  • Please wear your normal make-up to your enhancement appointment.

  • Do not take aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen 48 hours prior to your enhancement.

  • Do not discontinue any medication before consulting your doctor.

  • No alcohol or caffeine intake 24 hours prior to your enhancement.

  • Do not use Retin A skincare products close to the enhancement area 1 month prior to and after your procedure.

  • Do not use AHA skincare products close to the enhancement area 2 weeks prior to and after your procedure.


Furthermore, please avoid

  • Waxing treatments should be performed no less than 3 days prior to your enhancement.

  • IPL laser hair removal should be performed no less than 2 weeks prior to your enhancement.

  • Electrolysis treatments should be performed no less than 5 days prior to your enhancement.

  • Eyebrow tinting should not be undertaken for 2 weeks after your enhancement.

  • No Botox treatments should be done 3 weeks prior or 4 weeks after procedure

  • No chemical peels 60 days before or after procedure (brows will peel quicker due to chemicals traveling under the skin)

  • No Retinols/Retin-A or other anti-aging/acne creams, or serums containing acids as these will fade brows prematurely

  • Do not tan or have a sunburned face the day of the procedure

  • No waxing or tinting 2 days before procedure

Eyebrow Treatment

Brow Tattooing Aftercare

 It is critical to follow all aftercare instructions until all scabbing is complete to prevent complications, scarring and to achieve optimum results. It usually takes 7-10 days for the skin to heal

Please read carefully.

  • The area treated may show redness and swelling and that the color looks dark and intense – this is quite normal.

  • Additional treatments cannot be undertaken until the area has completely healed. A 6–8-week healing time is required before any more work can be undertaken.

  • In order to let your brows, heal well, avoid water on the brow area, the gym, sauna or pool for 10 days.

  • Avoid make-up to the brows for 2 weeks.

  • Once the area has healed completely, approximately 6 weeks, consider using a waterproof total sunblock when going out in the sun to stop the color fading.

  • Strong chemicals or glycolic acid/peels of any kind may cause the pigment to lighten. Always telephone and check with your consultant if in any doubt.

  • Do not pick or pull at the treated area as it will result in pigment loss. You will go through three healing phases: 1-heal, 2-peel and 3-fade

  • You may notice whiteness or blanching around the area, this is quite normal and will subside within 12 hours. If you find any lymphatic fluid or blood weeping you can gently clean the area with saline, cool boiled water and gauze, or just blotting gently dry to remove any moisture.

  • Newly tattooed eyebrows should not be touched for the first 24 hours. On day 2, gently wash day and night with clean hands using water and the provided soap. Then apply a fine layer of aftercare balm to the treated area. Repeat using procedure up to 3 times a day if the area feels tight for the next 10 days.


***It's critical to avoid the following for 10 days after your microblading procedure.

  • Touching the tattooed area except when washing or applying aftercare ointment.

  • Scratching, picking or peeling the tattooed area, as it can cause scarring and/or color loss.

  • Applying any makeup, moisturizer, lotion, or sunscreen to your eyebrows.

  • Sun exposure - sun tanning - salon tanning

  • Laser or chemical peels, and any other form of exfoliation.

  • Exercise - participating in sports and activities that induce perspiration

  • Long, hot baths or showers - jacuzzies - saunas - swimming

  • Applying any creams to your face or neck containing retinol or glycolic acid.

  • Engaging in tasks like heavy household cleaning where airborne debris can become prevalent.

  • Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, as it can cause wounds to heal slower.

Permanent makeup

Lip Blush Pre-Care 

•If you are under a physicians care you must obtain a release from him/her prior

to your procedure.

•Fillers or Botox should be done 6 weeks prior to your procedure and 6 weeks after your procedure.

•Do not work out the day of the procedure as the body heat expands the pores.

•No Sun, sweating, or tanning prior to the procedure.

•Do not have a tan/sunburn on your face prior to your procedure.

•Do NOT take blood thinners (Aspirin, Coumadin, Tylenol, Niacin, Ibuprofen) 72

hours prior to your procedure.

•You must have written permission from your physician if you are taking Coumadin or Heparin.

•You MUST be off Retin-A, Retinol, or Retinoids for 7 days prior to your procedure and avoid using on or around the area for 30 days after. If used before 30 days, it can cause the pigments to fade prematurely.

•You have to be off Accutane for 1 year.

•Avoid alcohol or caffeine prior to your procedure, this will minimize any oozing or swelling after the procedure.

•Getting a procedure while on your menstrual cycle can make you hypersensitive at the procedure.

•If there are any blemishes, pimples, active cold sores, irritation of the skin of any kind, moles or other skin imperfections in or around the area of the procedure, the procedure will be rescheduled until the blemish or area of concern is gone.

•Come without any makeup.


If you ever had a chicken pox, a fever blister, or a

COLD SORE, you will need an antiviral prescription from your doctor before the lip procedure. You must take Zovirax, Valtrex, or other antiviral pre and post procedure to prevent the outbreak of cold sores. Physicians usually instruct to take it 2 days before. This procedure will bring out the virus if not medicated beforehand.

Lip Blush Post-Care


•Expect treated areas to be tender for the next few days. The procedure area may be red, swollen or have a discharge of lymph (clear fluid) and blood for at least 12 hours post procedure. Gently dab off excess lymph from the procedure area with a clean tissue and clean cold water. Remember that you should wipe off the

lymph to avoid getting a thick crust. You may alternate between ice packs to relieve swelling.


•Color will look MUCH darker for the first 5-7 days as the procedure has blood and lymph in it. After the area peels, the color will be softer. The true color will not be visible for 4-6 weeks post procedure and for each color refresher.


•Tissue heals at different levels, some people heal within 5-7 days; some may take 10 or more to heal.


•Do not touch the healing pigmented area with your fingers - use a clean cotton swab!


•DO NOT RUB, SCRATCH OR PICK YOUR LIPS; pigment may be removed along with crusting tissue. Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate off. - Picking can cause scarring.


•Keep lips moisturized post procedure. Use A&D ointment only if the treated area feels very tight. Do not use too much of A&D ointment; overuse of your healing product will not let the area heal properly; apply a very thin layer to prevent the treated area from drying.


•Before bathing, gently apply a light coating of A&D ointment on the treated area using a clean cotton swab. Continue this regime until the procedure area has completely healed.


•No sauna, Jacuzzi, steam, exercise, hot yoga, swimming in chlorine pools or in the ocean for 7-10 days (until area is completely healed) after the procedure and after all color refreshers.


•Do not expose your face to the sun until the procedure area has healed. The sun will fade the pigment.


•Do not wear makeup on the treated area until it has healed. You might cause an infection or otherwise damage the

permanent makeup.


•If you are a blood donor, you may NOT give blood for 1 year following your permanent makeup application (according to Red Cross).


•Color refresher visits should be scheduled between 4-8 weeks post procedure. All permanent makeup procedures are a two-step process. Results cannot be determined until the color refresher is completed.


•If you resume the Retin-A, Retinol, or Retinods after the 30 days, the continued use will fade your permanent makeup prematurely.


•DO NOT USE any lightening and peeling products that contain AHA’s, Vitamin A, Retinol A, Glycolic/Lactic Acids on the treated area; it will fade your permanent makeup prematurely. Check your product labeling. It will fade your pigment color. Read the ingredients on the back of every bottle of product that you use.


•If you are out in the sun a lot, have oily skin, using Retinol products, chemical

peels, then you will need color refreshers every 6 months to 1 year.


•Use a sun block after the procedure area has healed to prevent future fading of pigment color; apply a waterproof sunblock 3-4 times daily to prevent fading.

• It might be challenging for a while to eat. Avoid biting or licking your lips, and make sure no food or drink stays on the lips. Drink through a straw for the first few days. Do not eat citrus fruits and juices, greasy, salty, or spicy food until

your lips are completely healed.

• Even after the lips have been healed, apply sunscreen to your lips to avoid fading. Lips can take 2-3 treatments to achieve the desired result. Keeping lips moist daily will lengthen the time the pigment will last.


•If you ever have had a cold sore, you must take Zovirax, Valtrex, or other anti-viral pre and post procedure to prevent the outbreak of cold sores. If you do have an outbreak, it will usually occur on the 2nd-3rdday after application as well as after each color refresher. It is not technician responsibility if you have a cold

sore outbreak after the Permanent Makeup application, the treatment payment will not be refunded.


•While eating, do not constantly wipe your lips with a napkin; do not keep licking your lips, as this will restrain the healing process.


•Be careful when brushing your teeth. Toothpaste may pull the pigment out of the

lip vermilion. DO NOT bleach your teeth while your lips are healing.


•No smoking while lips are healing!!!


•Treat your lips gently and with care. No kissing, rubbing or friction until the area is totally healed.


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4290 Bells Ferry Rd. NW #136

Kennesaw GA 30144



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